ME Water Buffalo Co.
ME Water Buffalo Co.
Maine Raised, All Natural Water Buffalo Dairy & Meat

Are you ready to give your kiddo/spouse/parents/self a fun-filled farm themed party? This year we are booking parties at the farm!
Available May-October
Your 2 hour party rental for up to 10 people ($10 for each additional guest with a maximum of 15 people total) will consist of a walking group farm tour, use of a picnic table covered by a 10'x10' canopy, lawn area for sack races, cornhole or other games/activities that your group wants to bring & enjoy in the fresh,open air. Plenty of space for social distancing. Portable toilet available as well as a hand washing station.
The FARM PARTY PLUS is for a 2.5-hr party rental for up to 10 people ($10 for each additional guest with a maximum of 15 people total), during which time in addition to the above options, we will provide you & your guests with extra time to cuddle & meet some of the youngest water buffalo. This option also includes the use of a firepit & fixings for s'mores.
* For both party options, you are welcome to bring your own food, cake & non-alcoholic beverages.
Email mewaterbuffaloco@gmail.com to reserve your party.